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View From the Coaling at Port Republic (http://www.shenandoah.stonesentinels.com |
June 11, 1862-11 a. m.
Honorable E. M. STANTON,
June 11, 1862-11 a. m.
Secretary of War:
The following is taken from the Richmond Whig of the 10th instant:
"STAUNTON, June 9, 1862.
"Governor LETCHER:
"General Jackson has given General Shields an awful whipping, capturing one regiment and his artillery, and driven him four miles down the Shenandoah. Fremont appeared on the opposite bank of the Shenandoah River. Our victory over Shields to-day is complete. If Jackson had re-enforcements he would save all. Our loss is very heavy, but the enemy's is tremendous. the cavalry is still in pursuit. Fremont crossed the North River with a small force at Rockland Mills."
[Second dispatch.]
"STAUNTON, June 9, 1862.
"General Ashby was killed last Friday. Our loss yesterday was about 200; to-day much heavier. Will give you all news additional that comes to hand. Great victory over Shields to-day."
[Third dispatch.]
"STAUNTON, June 9, 1862.
"Fremont is falling back and blockading the roads. Jackson pursuing Shields. Urge forward the re-enforcements, so that he may follow up this success.
"A. W. H."
There is reason to believe that two regiments of infantry and a battery of artillery were sent from Richmond on Sunday, the 8th instant, to re-enforce Jackson.
Official Records, Series I., Vol. 12, Part 3, Page 373.
Information from the Valley continued fragmentary. Here is McClellan relying on newspaper accounts of Confederate dispatches to describe the battle on the plains of Port Republic. A Confederate victory it was, but more hard won than these dispatches suggest. Only the late, sustained attacks on the coaling above the battlefield won the day. As described, Fremont came up late and managed to do some shelling from across the river, to no great effect. Oddly, McClellan here indicates he believes forces were drawn off from his front to support Jackson in the Valley, raising the not illogical question of why he would not have exploited the shift.
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